A purpose-conscious approach to leadership.
Reflection. Growth. Transformation.
“Purpose Guiding is a system of practices crafted to help individuals and organizations uncover their higher purpose. Informed by spiritual wisdom, depth psychology, and social change theory, it offers a profound journey of self-discovery for leaders.”
Oswaldo Montoya
Purpose Guide™. Facilitator.
The path to achieving your social change mission can be challenging.
Some of the obstacles come from within.
Leaders, just like all humans are raised in these oppressive systems and at times replicate unconsciously these toxic dynamics. They get unmotivated and lose their sense of purpose.
We can show up in the world with a renovated and more authentic sense of purpose.
Project Management Professional®
Purpose Courses
Schedule a consultation to best understand our services and choose what best fits your organization’s needs.
Our different programs provide leaders with a unique opportunity to pause, reflect, and deeply explore their inner landscape via soul-contemplative practices.
“Dismantling oppressive systems requires inner work and inner work fosters a different type of leadership”
Founder of PurposePaths
Allow me to introduce myself
At the age of 12, I awoke to a world engulfed in the flames of war in my home country, igniting within me a fervent hunger for justice. I became a participant in social movements, driven by an passion to effect change on a collective level. Along with this, I encountered the realms of psychology and spirituality, delving into their teachings within classrooms, books, and communities of truth seekers. Although I immersed myself in these disciplines and experimented with various practices, I found myself still living within the confines of the dominant culture.
With a bachelor's and master's degree in psychology, I embarked on a professional career, holding esteemed positions within respected institutions. I authored an influential book on masculinities, forged a loving marriage, raised two remarkable children, and acquired the trappings of success—a house, a car, international professional positions, and more. Yet, despite these achievements, a persistent sense of anxiety and boredom affected my soul. Something was undeniably missing. Every few years, I would change jobs, even within my beloved field of gender justice and children's rights, in search of new inspiration. I even relocated to a different country, hoping to find renewed purpose.
A profound fear of not being good enough perpetually haunted me, despite my professional and personal accomplishments. The weight of failure descended upon me at the age of 49 when I relinquished my position as Global Coordinator of a vibrant social network advocating for men's engagement in gender equality worldwide. I felt as if I had let down those who relied on me—a nightmare turned reality. Exhausted from seeking some external form of service that would ignite my spirit and create a positive impact, I realized that my search was misguided. The answer lay within me—I needed to discover my authentic place within the ecology of life. I had to recognize the unique niche from which I could express my love and care for the world in ways that truly made a difference.
My training as an Ashtanga Yoga instructor, my practice of Vipassana meditation, and my independent exploration of Buddhism and yoga philosophy paved the way to find Purpose Guiding. My ecumenical Christian community, Seekers Church, also played a significant role, reminding me that “the real issue is within” and yet reminding me “to care for people...all people”.
Purpose Guiding is not a novel concept; it is an ancient practice embraced by diverse cultures and belief systems across the globe. I discovered it in the form offered by the Purpose Guide Institute, my trusted school in the realm of purpose discovery. This transformative experience not only reconnected me with my higher purpose but also equipped me with the art of guiding others on their own journeys.
Recognizing that my struggles to find purpose, meaning, and joy in service to the world are not mine alone, I founded PurposePaths. I aim to empower other social dreamers who yearn for a new world, helping them discover and embrace their soul's purpose, liberated from the shackles of social conventions that stifle their authentic selves.
In addition to being a purpose guide, I continue passionate about offering consulting services as a social justice educator, in my roles as a trainer, group facilitator, and curriculum developer.